Rika this is really good - I am a fan of Maslow‘s writing and he is especially good on the function of entrepreneurship in society. I very much like your metaphor of the sailing boat with the foundational needs as hull and keel (you don‘t mention keel specifically but the bottom of the boar is what allows the sails to transmit pressure and move forward) and the aspirational esteem/self-actualisation needs being what gives us movement and the glory of sailing. I was a little surprised by finding an astronaut at the end: my image was of a boat stripped of its sail and mast lying in dry dock: safe from the potential dangers of the open seas but useless. You write so well - this was a joy to read and I can‘t wait to make friends with Scott Barry Kaufman.

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Thank you, Steven! I like your addition with the hull and keel. Agreed that a useless boat would have been a better analogy for someone who takes the safe and steady path through life. I'll have to iterate on this piece and take your feedback into account. Thank you, again, you are always so kind.

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This post is really profound! So many societal concepts end up being used for purposes for which they weren't originally intended, learning style inventories being another example in the primary school space. Thanks for sharing a better way of thinking about actualization!

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