Add me to the "not exactly sure what my newsletter is about" club

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You are added! woop woop!

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Hi Rika! Nice to hear from you again. Ps, in case you did not see, I linked to Sharing is Caring in my second post :)


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Hi Vineet! Amazing, thank you. I just subscribed to your newsletter. Can't wait to read it!

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Thank you for writing this Rika. I too suffer from the inability to articulate specifically what my newsletter is about. All I know is that it writes itself every Friday morning without much prompting from me. I have a few hours in the morning and a publication deadline at 1230 GMT and that is it. But after 82 weeks I know it has its own character and a voice that is becoming more relaxed and less worried about what anyone might think of it. I don‘t care at all about those who leave my subscription list and I rejoice at each new sign up, but the letter will keep writing itself irrespective who comes or goes. I liked reading that from you today.

When is your next interview profile?

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I love that! Haha, I'm not sure yet, but I appreciate the nudge. I'll have to think about it some more.

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Interesting topic of inquiry. My blog was open-ended but now I'm experimenting with a theme "environmental health." love the emerson quote. we contain multitudes indeed and sometimes it's good to dance in a big tent and sometimes good to dance in a little one

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Thank you! I also really enjoy reading your newsletter. Environmental health is such a cool topic. I can't wait to see where you take it.

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