Just gonna throw some resources at you:

- tedtalk on future literacy

- Indie hacker podcast with a lady on technology trajectories

(Purposefully) left out the link so that your search leads you to something better…or just a lame excuse because I have to run and pick up the kids from school, but know that if I don’t write this I’ll forget

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Lol thanks Kat 😄

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If you can't find them let me know and I'll dig through my notes. I'm not as systematic as you. My excuse is that you are suffering from FOFI (fear of forgetting information). What is important will stick/resurface over time :-)

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Thank you! Haha FOFI, what a funny term! For sure - I agree with you that what is important will stick/resurface. I certainly have experienced that phenomena.

I appreciate you noticing my systematized approach :-) I've had a love/hate relationship with the Zettelkasten since starting one a few years ago, and I even gave up on it for a while; but, this time, my second attempt, feels more fruitful now that I know what things to pay attention to in the system's design (like metadata). It's a massive work in progress, though, and only time will tell how useful my Zettelkasten will be!

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Super cool to see the dedication to setting up your notes. I know I feel way more productive when I put in the time to make notes meaningful.

I sometimes think that it's less about the notes we create that causes the new ideas, but rather learnings actually come from simply putting in the time to take the notes. I've been trying to retrain myself to think about note taking as part of the learning/reading process rather than an afterthought.

I'm curious, you're using Obsidian to do Zettelkasten right? Have you found you prefer Obsidian to Roam?

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022Author

Thanks, Aaron! I like how you used the word "retrain." It really is retraining our brains to think deeper about ideas.

I used Roam before, but since Obsidian is free and open source, I transitioned to it. With that said, I appreciate Roam's community and dedication to the zettelkasten method.

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Your ability to be so thoughtful and self critique has and will continue to serve you well. Wry hard to do but so important

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Thanks! I've found that self reflection is so important. I always feel better after I do it.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Rika

Love and admire your self-reflection. And as always— a pleasure to read your work!

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Thank you, Zoe! <3

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