Excellent piece, so many important take aways. Thanks for writing and sending

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Thanks for reading and sharing a comment!

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This is exactly what part of the abundance development initiative is intended to do (introduced in a slide deck at this salon 6 months ago: https://interintellect.com/salon/nyc-central-park-picnic-discovering-abundance/ ) — move past the commonly practiced “tit-for-tat” habits and collectively switch from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance and giving (without expectations) by embracing wholeheartedness in life and a consistently empathetic view of other humans through a mutually supportive community. The podcast component is already in progress, to be publicized at onhumanity.substack.com once the first episode is edited. Love the content and quotes you shared in this post!

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love it! can't wait to read/listen to what you put together.

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